Many thanks...

Ce projet a été financé avec le soutien de la Commission européenne. Cette publication (communication) n’engage que son auteur et la Commission n’est pas responsable de l’usage qui pourrait être fait des informations qui y sont contenues.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

A travers les blessures - Mon séjour au Congo-Brazzaville

Après de nombreuses années, je suis retournée le mois dernier au Congo-Brazzaville, mon pays d'origine. J'y ai retrouvé ma famille et une population encore meurtrie par la guerre près de 15 ans après le conflit qui a ensanglanté le pays à la fin des années 90 opposant les milices du Président Lissouba, les milices de combattants venus du Sud du pays et celles de celui qui devait devenir le Président du pays, le Général Denis Sassou-Nguesso.
La situation du pays est restée troublée des années après ces affrontements sanglants, notamment dans le Sud ou des éléments armés incontrôlés continuaient de terroriser et de dévaliser les populations civiles.
Le Congo connait aujourd'hui à nouveau la paix mais la population est toujours traumatisée par ce déferlement de violence aveugle qu'ils ont dû subir. Pas une personne que je n'ai rencontrée qui n'ait évoqué ce conflit qui reste présent dans tous les esprits.
On trouve encore dans la ville quelques stigmates de la guerre malgré les importants efforts de reconstruction.
Pays riche en pétrole, le niveau d'infrastructures reste insuffisant et les services publics faibles même si les pouvoirs publics semblent vouloir y remédier.
5 mois de conflit et près de 15 ans plus tard, les blessures ne sont pas refermées...
La guerre est vraiment, ainsi que les fondateurs des Nations Unies l'ont énoncé dans le Préambule de la Charte de l'organisation, "un fléau" [infligeant] "à l'humanité d'indicibles souffrances".


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Collective Supervision: a new tool for civil society organisations

Pax Christi Wallonie Bruxelles has published an article in which they present a new tool named “collective supervision”, created to facilitate the work of civil society organizations and to found the basis for a constructive dialogue between and with their partners. The creation of this new tool emerges from Pax Christi Wallonie Bruxelles experience in monitoring working groups, and also from their role as companions and facilitators in a continuing process of discussion and exchange. Under the direction of an experienced supervisor, this method aimed to help the participants to bring out reflections on their practices, in order to develop and strength their competences and abilities for cooperation. The complete article is available in French HERE.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

International Pax Christi Route: Participative Citizenship

On the occasion of the 150th Anniversary of the Italian Republic, Pax Christi Italy is planning an international route from Monte Sole to Barbiana (100 Km walking), to deepen some of the contents of the Constitution. The event will take place 24 - 31 July 2011, it aims to share testimonies and to promote values for peace, justice and democracy. The complete information for the event is available in English in Ref. 2011-0244-en-gl-JW and in French in Ref. 2011-0244-Fr-gl-JW.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Social Media Information at in Preparation of Rio +20

Dear Civil society partner,

As you are aware, the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, Rio+20, will be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 4-6 June 2012 to mark the 20th anniversary of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED.

During this coming fall, the Rio+20 Secretariat will be organizing a number of social media activities with tools such as Facebook, Twitter and its dedicated Rio+20 website.

The activities will include, but are not limited to; discussion forums on the themes of the Conference and other cross cutting issues, a picture contest, as well an a unique opportunity to send world leaders a message directly from your home computer.

The strength of these activities is in the numbers! Please help us grow our social media presence, as well stay in touch with the Rio+20 preparatory process, by joining (liking) our Rio+20 Facebook page and follow us on Twitter.

Rio+20 Facebook:
Rio+20 Twitter:!/UN_Rioplus20
Rio+20 Website:

Rio+20 Secretariat

Questions? Contact us at