Many thanks...

Ce projet a été financé avec le soutien de la Commission européenne. Cette publication (communication) n’engage que son auteur et la Commission n’est pas responsable de l’usage qui pourrait être fait des informations qui y sont contenues.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Technical Difficulties...

We apologize if you have been unable to connect to the PCI youth forum blog, the new address is HERE.  Happy holidays from Brussels!

- PCI Youth Team

Monday, May 7, 2012

ENGLISH - Pax Christi International Youth Summer Camp

The Pax Christi International Youth Summer Camp is taking place on 9 - 13 July 2012 at Casa per la Pace in Florence. The organisers want this to be a truly international event with young representatives from as many Pax Christi sections as possible. Please do encourage your young people to attend. For more information or to book places at this event please contact Fleur at Pax Christi France ( or Matt at Pax Christi UK (

FRENCH - Pax Christi International et son Camp d'été pour les jeunes

Cette année le Camp d'été pour les jeunes sera tenu à Florence ("Casa per la pace") du 9 au 13 juillet. Cela devrait devenir un événement vraiment international par la participation de beaucoup de jeunes de tous nos sections membres! Encouragez donc vos jeunes d'y participer. Vous trouverez ample information et possibilités d'inscrire pour cet événement en contactant Fleur de Pax Christi France ( ou Matt de Pax Christi UK (

GERMAN - Pax Christi International Jugend – Sommerlager

Das Jugend-Sommerlager von Pax Christi International findet vom 9. bis 13. Juli 2012 in der Casa per la Pace in Florenz statt. Die Organisatoren wünschen sich, dass dieses Sommerlager ein wirklich internationales Ereignis durch die Teilnahme vieler  junger VertreterInnen aus so vielen Pax Christi Mitgliedern als möglich wird. Bitte, machen Sie Ihren jungen Menschen Lust, daran teilzunehmen. Wenn Sie mehr Information benötigen oder Plätze buchen wollen, wenden

Sie sich bitte an Matt von Pax Christi UK (; und/oder Fleur von Pax Christi Frankreich (


“Glücklich, die Frieden stiften”

Ein Sommerlager wird junge Leute aus aller Welt in der Casa de la Pace, dem Friedenshaus von Pax Christi in den lieblichen Hügeln der Toscana außerhalb der historischen Stadt Florenz vereinen.

Das Programm umfasst Workshops, Gebet, Reflektion und Arbeit in Haus und Garten, eine Menge Spaß, wenn wir über das Thema „Glücklich sind die Frieden stiften“ miteinander nachdenken.

Wichtige Informationen

Das Sommerlager ist für Menschen von 18 bis 30 gedacht.
Kosten: 175 € für Essen und Unterbringung in schlafsaalartigen Räumen.
Arbeitssprachen: englisch, französisch, italienisch.
Für die Reisekosten nach und von Florenz müssen die TeilnehmerInnen selbst aufkommen. Flug nach Pisa, von dort per Bahn oder Bus nach Florenz.

Friday, September 30, 2011

"Art of dialogue", quand francophones et néerlandophones se rencontrent ...

La Belgique piétine politiquement, les diables rouges ne sont toujours pas en finale, mais vous, vous y croyez toujours à l’entente entre citoyens du plat pays, et peu vous importe qu’ils parlent le “flamand”, le “wallon”, ou le “bruxellois”! Alors le projet “Art of Dialogue” peut vous intéresser !

A travers ce projet, nous vous proposons d’apprendre, d’échanger et de créer un véritable dialogue entre néerlandophones et francophones de Belgique.

Vous participerez à un week-end d’immersion (11-13 novembre). 10 jeunes francophones, 10 jeunes flamands approfondiront la thématique : déconstruire ensemble les préjugés entre flamands et wallons pour construire un véritable dialogue à deux voix. Cette première étape sera le point de départ de l’aventure.

Ensuite, en plusieurs étapes et rencontres, vous construirez ensemble plusieurs projets journalistiques destinés à sensibiliser le grand public à votre expérience et à lutter concrètement contre les préjugés entre flamands et wallons. Certaines de ces réunions en groupes vous permettrontd’acquérir et de valoriser différentes de ces techniques utilisées dans le journalisme grâce à l’intervention d’experts (rédaction d’articles, publication de photoreportages, réalisation de reportages vidéo, etc.).

Ces divers projets feront l’objet, avec le soutien de nos associations, d’une diffusion médiatique « grand public » (radio, presse, internet, etc.). Tous ces contenus seront rassemblés sur internet et présentés lors d’une conférence de presse afin de témoigner ensemble du voyage réalisé et des expériences de dialogues vécues.

Ce projet (qui durera d'octobre 2011 à mai 2012) s’adresse à vous, si vous êtes:

  • citoyen belge âgé entre 18 à 30 ans,
  • parlant l’anglais,
  • disponible pour participer à un week-end de lancement ( 11-13 novembre 2011) et à différentes réunions/rencontres en groupe,
  • participation aux frais de 30 euros (incluant les frais d’organisation du week-end d’immersion et des autres rencontres liées au projet).
  • Si vous êtes intéressé(e), une première rencontre de présentation du projet (sans engagement) est prévue le vendredi 14 octobre 2011 à 18h00 en nos locaux : 31, Rue Maurice Liétart à 1150 Woluwé-Saint-Pierre (près de l’arrêt Montgomery, derrière le collège Saint Michel).

Pour vous inscrire ou vous informer, contactez Nicolas Bossut avant le 14 octobre 2011,:

Par mail à :

Par téléphone au : 02/738.08.01

Ce projet est coréalisé par :

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Summit of Youth Religious Leaders, Warsaw

Young Religious Leaders from across of Europe, will meet in Warsaw, pledging for multi-religious cooperation as an answer to challenges of multiculturalism/migration and critical issues troubling peace, welfare and coexistence in Europe.

22 Young Religious Leaders representing the biggest European youth organizations of Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh and Zoroastrian faiths, will meet in Warsaw, 16-19 September, for 3 day summit and training, pledging for multi-religious cooperation. While several European leaders have recently declared that multiculturalism in Europe has failed, the violent attack in Oslo assaulted Europe’s immigrant culture in the extreme way, and the economic crisis strengthens the hostility toward outsiders, young leaders representing faith communities will try to develop a common strategy, based on multi-religious cooperation, that could be an answer to challenges of multiculturalism/migration. They will discuss how religions can play a positive role in building more inclusive societies in Europe and how multiculturalism can help societies thrive. In the face of the rise of extreme right-wing, nationalistic, xenophobic and racist parties in Europe, growing religious persecutions of members of different faiths, targeting of immigrants, discrimination against the Roma people, and other serious violations of human rights, happening now in Europe, there is a need for the young religious leaders to take a stand and take actions against current developments and policies leading to radicalization and violence.

Apart from taking part in discussion sessions led by international experts in the field of interfaith and ethnic coexistence, multiculturalism, migration, refugees and Arabic Spring, the young leaders will be trained in advocacy, developing skills on: how to use mass media for advocating for social cause, how to run an advocacy campaign on social media, how to lobby politicians, how to use possible legal procedures and approaches that could help promote interfaith cause. There will be also trained in mediation skills, mediation as a conflict resolution method for solving intercultural conflicts.

The Warsaw youth summit is organized by Religions for Peace, European Interfaith Youth Network (RfP, EIYN). EIYN serves as a platform aimed at bringing together youth organizations and young individuals from all religions present in Europe, advancing common action for peace.

Monday, August 15, 2011

What Should the Church's Role in Politics Be?

While the US is often thought of as hyper religious, particularly in comparison to our European counterparts, and this regularly seeps into our political sphere, the brand of religion often in the press is right-wing evangelical Christianity. When the Catholic Church does take an active and public role, it is generally around the issue of abortion.

For that reason, it was particularly refreshing to see the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) take a vocal stance during the debt ceiling debate.

Both the Speaker of the House, John Boehner (R-OH), and the chair of the House Budget Committee, Paul Ryan (R-WI), along with Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) are Catholic, so it provided the Bishops, and Catholic progressives, a unique opportunity to remind them of Catholic Social Teaching, namely, the preferential option for the poor. (In fact, 30% of the 112th Congress identifies as Catholic.)

It's important to note the Catholic Church is considered a powerful lobby in the U.S., so the Bishops' letter was a strong message. Their work did not happen alone, of course, numerous religious organizations, Catholic and otherwise, continued their fight to elevate the progressive, religious voice in the debate. A Pax Christi USA activist was amongst other religious leaders that were arrested in the Capitol during a pray-in.

All this has made me think about what it means to be a progressive Catholic, particularly in the American political context.

Coverage of the role of the Church in US politics in the media is almost solely relegated to the issue of abortion; stories around denying communion to pro-choice politicians immediately come to mind. While an especially engaged Catholic could tell you other issues the Church has taken a position on, I'm not sure that your average citizen could. It is sad that pro-life in our country has been defined as abortion, not a range of life issues including stances on economic & racial justice, access to affordable health care, and the death penalty, to name a few.

As a result of this perception that the U.S. Catholic Church is active of abortion and silent on other issues that effect people's everyday lives, coupled with what many view as more conservative messages coming from the pulpit, there is a serious crisis with the US Catholic Church being able to maintain members. And the fact is, the more people leave in frustration, the more conservative the remaining body gets. It should be noted, that a growing Latino population and immigration are helping stem some of the losses in numbers and growing conservativism within the Church.

It often surprises those who first know my politics, that I'm Catholic, even more so when I explain it is my Catholic faith that informs my politics, not that I am Catholic despite my politics.

I do think the Church should play a role in politics, it does not exist in a vacuum and religion has been a part of our political framework for ages, so I would hope the institutional Church takes stances on the many issues our faith touches on, truly embodying what it means to be pro-life. Additionally, more progressive Catholics (and religious progressives generally) should raise their voices as a counterweight to the right wing, capitalistic Christianity that seems to have taken hold, because the Church is only as powerful as its members.

What do you think?

Is there a role for religion in politics? What should it be?

Do others in the US find themselves grappling with these same issues?

For sisters & brothers in other parts of the world, does Catholicism, or religion generally, play a factor in the political system in your country? How so?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

London Riots Put Spotlight on Troubled, Unemployed Youths in Britain

NYT/LONDON — “I came here to get my penny’s worth,” said a man who gave his name as Louis James, 19, a slightly built participant in the widening riots that have shaken London to its core. With a touch of guilt on Tuesday, Mr. James showed off what he described as a $195 designer sweater that he said he took during looting in Camden Town, a gentrified area of north London.

In recent days, young rioters and looters like Mr. James have dominated front pages and television reports around the world, prompted a recall of Parliament to a special session and forced the deployment of thousands of police officers.

Widespread antisocial and criminal behavior by young and usually unemployed people has long troubled Britain. Attacks and vandalism by gangs of young people are “a blight on the lives of millions,” said a 2010 government report commissioned in the aftermath of several deaths related to such gangs. They signal, it said, “the decline of whole towns and city areas.”

The government investigation revealed that though only a quarter of such incidents were reported, 3.5 million complaints were nonetheless made to the police. An iPhone app is available to track attacks, and one enterprising inventor marketed a device, called the mosquito, that emits a high-pitched noise that can be heard only by young people as a means for store owners to keep gangs away.

Politicians from both the right and the left, the police and most residents of the areas hit by violence nearly unanimously describe the most recent riots as criminal and anarchic, lacking even a hint of the antigovernment, anti-austerity message that has driven many of the violent protests in other European countries.

But the riots also reflect the alienation and resentment of many young people in Britain, where one million people from the ages of 16 to 24 are officially unemployed, the most since the deep recession of the mid-1980s.

The riots in London began when protesters gathered outside a north London police station after the shooting of a local man by officers. The police have long had troubled relations with racial and ethnic minorities in Britain and have sought to repair these relations, although the protesters have come from all backgrounds. Days later, in Hackney, where some of the fiercest riots took place, a young man in a gray hooded sweatshirt shouted directly into the faces of riot police officers: “You know you all racist! You know it.”

The combination of economic despair, racial tension and thuggery has “a devastating effect on communities,” said Graham Beech, an official at the crime-prevention charity Nacro. “It’s something that ordinary people see on their walks to work — street drunkenness, vandalism, intimidation — and that affects the general fear of crime.” As the British government’s austerity measures begin to take effect, young people will also see their chances of employment dwindling and their financial and community support cut, Mr. Beech said. “Boredom, alienation and isolation are going to be factors,” he said.

In many ways, Mr. James’s circumstances are typical. He lives in a government-subsidized apartment in northern London and receives $125 in jobless benefits every two weeks, even though he says he has largely given up looking for work. He says he has never had a proper job and learned to read only three years ago. His mother can barely support herself and his stepbrothers and sisters. His father, who was a heroin addict, is dead.

He says he has been in and out of too many schools to count and left the educational system for good when he was 15.

“No one has ever given me a chance; I am just angry at how the whole system works,” Mr. James said. He would like to get a job at a retail store, but admits that he spends most days watching television and just trying to get by. “That is the way they want it,” he said, without specifying exactly who “they” were. “They give me just enough money so that I can eat and watch TV all day. I don’t even pay my bills anymore.”

To read more, visit HERE.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Were is the greek money ?

As we all know Europe it’s in a hot spot, it all started on Greece but it won’t stop there, even my country it’s struggling to get out of the market speculation.

But what that’s have to do with the the youth forum or even the youth conference ? As we all remember the topic for the conference was “Military budget vs humanitarian aid” , a few months ago I was surfing the youtube looking for videos about the greece crisis and i found this one:

Well i suggest you first read this fact’s before watching the videos:

  • Greece as aprox. 11 million people and 100.000 thousand troops.
  • Portugal as aprox. 10 million people and 18.538 thousand troops.

-Last but not least, “we” (E.U) lend money to the Greek's in we return they had to buy weaponry.

In conclusion, the million dollar question is why does Greece need’s so much weaponry?

In one to be said the most peaceful continent’s on earth, Europe as forgotten that Greece and Turkey are in a full weapons race each one competing for the upper hand, forgetting the most basic aspects of their own population sutch as a sustainable economy.

So were is the Greek money? It’s in the weapons that the fellow E.U partners sold them and now they ask their money with interest above the market.

Best Regards,

Simão Saco, Portugal.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

A travers les blessures - Mon séjour au Congo-Brazzaville

Après de nombreuses années, je suis retournée le mois dernier au Congo-Brazzaville, mon pays d'origine. J'y ai retrouvé ma famille et une population encore meurtrie par la guerre près de 15 ans après le conflit qui a ensanglanté le pays à la fin des années 90 opposant les milices du Président Lissouba, les milices de combattants venus du Sud du pays et celles de celui qui devait devenir le Président du pays, le Général Denis Sassou-Nguesso.
La situation du pays est restée troublée des années après ces affrontements sanglants, notamment dans le Sud ou des éléments armés incontrôlés continuaient de terroriser et de dévaliser les populations civiles.
Le Congo connait aujourd'hui à nouveau la paix mais la population est toujours traumatisée par ce déferlement de violence aveugle qu'ils ont dû subir. Pas une personne que je n'ai rencontrée qui n'ait évoqué ce conflit qui reste présent dans tous les esprits.
On trouve encore dans la ville quelques stigmates de la guerre malgré les importants efforts de reconstruction.
Pays riche en pétrole, le niveau d'infrastructures reste insuffisant et les services publics faibles même si les pouvoirs publics semblent vouloir y remédier.
5 mois de conflit et près de 15 ans plus tard, les blessures ne sont pas refermées...
La guerre est vraiment, ainsi que les fondateurs des Nations Unies l'ont énoncé dans le Préambule de la Charte de l'organisation, "un fléau" [infligeant] "à l'humanité d'indicibles souffrances".


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Collective Supervision: a new tool for civil society organisations

Pax Christi Wallonie Bruxelles has published an article in which they present a new tool named “collective supervision”, created to facilitate the work of civil society organizations and to found the basis for a constructive dialogue between and with their partners. The creation of this new tool emerges from Pax Christi Wallonie Bruxelles experience in monitoring working groups, and also from their role as companions and facilitators in a continuing process of discussion and exchange. Under the direction of an experienced supervisor, this method aimed to help the participants to bring out reflections on their practices, in order to develop and strength their competences and abilities for cooperation. The complete article is available in French HERE.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

International Pax Christi Route: Participative Citizenship

On the occasion of the 150th Anniversary of the Italian Republic, Pax Christi Italy is planning an international route from Monte Sole to Barbiana (100 Km walking), to deepen some of the contents of the Constitution. The event will take place 24 - 31 July 2011, it aims to share testimonies and to promote values for peace, justice and democracy. The complete information for the event is available in English in Ref. 2011-0244-en-gl-JW and in French in Ref. 2011-0244-Fr-gl-JW.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Social Media Information at in Preparation of Rio +20

Dear Civil society partner,

As you are aware, the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, Rio+20, will be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 4-6 June 2012 to mark the 20th anniversary of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED.

During this coming fall, the Rio+20 Secretariat will be organizing a number of social media activities with tools such as Facebook, Twitter and its dedicated Rio+20 website.

The activities will include, but are not limited to; discussion forums on the themes of the Conference and other cross cutting issues, a picture contest, as well an a unique opportunity to send world leaders a message directly from your home computer.

The strength of these activities is in the numbers! Please help us grow our social media presence, as well stay in touch with the Rio+20 preparatory process, by joining (liking) our Rio+20 Facebook page and follow us on Twitter.

Rio+20 Facebook:
Rio+20 Twitter:!/UN_Rioplus20
Rio+20 Website:

Rio+20 Secretariat

Questions? Contact us at

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pax Christi International - Urgent Appeal to World Leaders to Stop Atrocities in Libya

On 21 February 2011, Pax Christi International joined several other human rights NGO in an urgent appeal addressed to the Human Rights Council on Libya. The statement urges the Council to mobilize the United Nations and the international community to take immediate action to halt the mass atrocities being perpetrated by the Libyan government against its own people. The inexcusable silence cannot continue. Read the statement HERE.

Youth around the world are in solidarity with the young people of this region. We will not remain silent.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

News from Pax Christi USA - ACT: Support the PC Ayiti Youth Program

Reflecting on Paul Farmer's article, the community of Pax Christi USA has a unique opportunity in Pax Christi Ayiti. We can get constructively involved in the processes that are helping to build a better future for Haiti and yet largely keep from becoming, as an NGO, a hallmark of some of the structural problems that have become symptomatic of NGOs there. This is done in four main ways:

1. PCUSA and PC Ayiti are sister organizations with strong historical ties.

2. Pax Christi Ayiti has asked us to be involved in some very specific ways.

3. Pax Christi Ayiti is the instigator and leader of their own projects.

4. Our joint efforts and resources are aimed at creating the conditions for which communities in Haiti can nurture a culture of the Peace of Christ and use resources toward that end.

We invite you to become involved with this unique relationship. If you would like to learn more about the Pax Christi Ayiti SAKALA Youth Program or if you would like to contribute to it in some way, please feel free to contact me at:

Also, look for more information on the Pax Christi Ayiti Program on our website in the near future. We would love to hear from you and have you help us strengthen our relationship with our brothers and sisters in Haiti through your support.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Communiqué de presse 30 décembre 2010, Centre Jeunes Kamenge

Et nous voici à la fin de cette année, une année vécue au nom de la paix au Burundi, dans les Quartiers Nord et cela parmi les jeunes et les adultes à travers un projet soutenu par beaucoup de gens ; le Centre Jeunes Kamenge.

Et nous terminons avec un événement populaire ; deux courses à vélo, l’une pour les filles avec 35 inscrites et l’autre pour les garçons avec 167 personnes sur la liste. Cette course avait un parcours de 13 kilomètres de route goudronnée en passant dans les Quartiers de Kamenge, Kinama, Cibitoke, Ngagara. Entre deux ailes d'une foule joyeuse, les partisans de l'une ou l’autre participant. Le départ au a été effectué au Marché de Kamenge tandis que l’arrivée avait comme lieu le Centre Jeunes Kamenge, avec beaucoup de simplicité pour le dépouillement, la remise des prix, le chronométrage ainsi que tous les aspects techniques. Pour le groupe des filles les gagnantes pour la première et la deuxième place étaient Mpawenimana Francine et Butoyi Josélyne, toutes les deux de la Commune Kinama. Pour les garçons, les deux gagnants étaient Niyomana Jean et Manirakiza Bonaventure en provenance respective de Buterere et Kinama.

Ces derniers jours, de nombreux autres activités et événements ont eu lieu ; des spectacles, le boum sèche, le concert de fin d’année auquel ont pris part tous les artistes du Centre, trois orchestres, deux groupes de théâtre, le groupe d'acrobates et les 3 groupes de rap, parmi les dix existants. Nous avons terminé le tournoi de football des écoles primaires dont les trois premières équipes étaient de la Commune Kinama, et maintenant nous sommes en train de terminer les préparatifs afin de commencer les tournois de football et de basket-ball filles qui verront 36 écoles participantes pour le premier et 19 pour le second. Ces effectifs étant fixés sur un total de 51 écoles secondaires qui collaborent avec le Centre Jeunes Kamenge.

Sur le plan du futur et plus précisément au début du second trimestre de l’année scolaire, il y aura aussi le début de la distribution des paquets scolaires et le paiement des frais pour les bénéficiaires du programme AGSP financé par l’AED, une organisation américaine. Avec le soutien de la FAO, nous continuons aussi la distribution des semences de riz, des légumes et de papayers pour les Associations pratiquant l’agriculture. Il y a néanmoins d’autres aspects qui ne marchent pas trop: par exemple le départ de la Communauté des Sœurs qui était déjà réduite à trois personnes seulement, la maladie de Dona (la responsable du projet des Associations), le manque chronique des fonds pour couvrir les temps morts des nos différents projets avec les bailleurs internationaux, la rupture des machines et des structures entraînée par leur âge ou des coupures répétitives d’électricité.

Mais quand même nous sommes à la fin de l’année. Nous voudrions exprimer notre gratitude à tous ceux qui nous ont aidés. Misereor, Développement et Paix, Manos Unidas, la Fondation Vismara, la Caritas Italienne, la Conférence Episcopale Italienne, l’AED, Ifa-Zivik, la Coopération Française, l’Ambassade d’Allemagne, la Coopération Suisse, les 4 groupes italiennes et suisses qui nous suivent de près, Parma et Piacenza pour les Jeunes Kamenge Centre, Tessin pour le Burundi et Chei de Meanarul et beaucoup d'autres amis qui s’autofinancent pour nous aider à poursuivre notre travail. A tous un grand merci, et on vous tend encore la main. Aidez-nous encore. Que l’an 2011 soit pour tous une année de paix et d'espoir.

Centre Jeunes Kamenge

Bujumbura, Burundi, 30/12/2010

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Claudette Werleigh, Envoy of Peace

“Faith is the assurance of things hoped for – the conviction of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11)

Pax Christi International is exceedingly grateful to Claudette Werleigh for her generous service to our movement as Secretary General. Claudette’s deep faith in the possibility of a peaceful world; her support for member organizations around the world, her sensitive approach to complex political situations and her commitment to nurturing the spirituality and theology of peace have blessed our movement and given Pax Christi an important legacy. Her conviction that peace is rooted in social justice has strengthened our efforts on behalf of human dignity.

We are very pleased that Claudette has agreed to serve as Pax Christi International Peace Envoy, bringing her ample diplomatic skills and experience to our common work for peace and reconciliation.

Pax Christi has been enriched in these years by Claudette’s spirit and many gifts. We wish her Godspeed in the next steps on her journey.

Mons. Kevin Dowling and Marie Dennis, Pax Christi International co-Presidents


“La Foi est l’assurance des choses espérées – la conviction des choses non-vues.” (Hébreux 11)

Pax Christi International est extrêmement reconnaissante à Claudette Werleigh pour son service généreux au sein du mouvement comme Secrétaire Générale. La foi profonde de Claudette en un monde de Paix, son soutien aux organisations membres du monde entier, son approche sensible de la complexité des situations politiques et son engagement à sustenter la spiritualité et la théologie de la Paix ont béni notre mouvement et laissé à Pax Christi un héritage conséquent. Sa conviction est que la Paix enracinée dans la justice sociale a renforcé nos efforts pour la dignité humaine.

Nous sommes heureux que Claudette ai accepté de servir comme ambassadrice de Paix pour Pax Christi International, et ai ainsi mis son expérience et ses multiples talents de diplomate au service de notre travail pour la Paix et la réconciliation.

Pax Christi ressort, après ces années, enrichi de l’esprit et de l’habileté de Claudette. Nous lui souhaitons une bonne continuation entre les mains de Dieu pour les années à venir.

Monseigneur Kevin Dowling et Marie Dennis, co-présidents de Pax Christi International


“La Fe es como aferrarse a lo que se espera, es la certeza de cosas que no se pueden ver.” (Hebreos 11)

Pax Christi International está extremadamente agradecido con Claudette Werleigh por su inmenso y generoso servicio a nuestro movimiento, como Secretaria General. La profunda fe de Claudette en la posibilidad de un mundo en paz, su apoyo a organizaciones miembro alrededor del mundo, su enfoque sensible a las situaciones políticas complejas y su compromiso por promover una espiritualidad y una teología de paz ha bendecido nuestro movimiento y ha dejado a Pax Christi un importante legado. Su convicción de que la paz radica en la justicia social ha fortalecido nuestros esfuerzos por la dignidad humana.

Nosotros/as estamos muy complacidos de que Claudette haya aceptado servir a Pax Christi como su Enviada de Paz, brindando sus habilidades en el campo de la diplomacia y su experiencia a nuestro trabajo común por la paz y la reconciliación.

Pax Christi se ha enriquecido estos tres años con el espíritu y muchos dones de Claudette. Le deseamos la mejor de las suertes en los próximos pasos de su caminar.

Mons. Kevin Dowling y Marie Dennis, Pax Christi International co-Presidentes