Many thanks...

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Propositions of PC Portugal for Follow-up

Here in Portugal i'm planing on a seminar in my University, with the name "Youth, We Care", i will try to send the sketch with the objectives and subjects to you on the plan date (monday)

Here it is, hope you can help me with some more ideas or suggestions you may have.
Sorry for the delay Jessica :P

The objectives of Youth action in Portugal are these:
Create a the a awareness why should the youth care about the “Global Problems”,
How NGO’s work and what is their part on changing the world,
The work made in the Council of Europe,
What was the PaxChristi World Assembly Youth Seminar,
What are the MDG’s and our part on ti.

In our current situation (in Portugal). Civil associations are in decline due to the general public disinterested in civil matters such as poverty, war, starvation. The main Goals of this project its to raise the awareness in Universities how the youth can make a difference on these matters, and how it can act and enforce the policy makers to agree and act in the light of the MDG’s and all the topics from, Gender Equality to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger; and finally how european policies organizations and civil structure can help the Youth to be heard.

Create a seminar in Universities, (First my own) respecting the objectives of “Youth We Care”,
The seminar will take two hours with then minute break, I will use ice breakers we learned on Strasbourg and some other techniques on Online communication the “spread the word” about the seminar.
Topics of the seminar
These are thematic groups I will divide the seminar:

Global Problems, why should we care.
European institutional role on solving world’s problems with the help of NGO’s
PaxChristi World Assembly Youth Seminar,
MDG’s what can the youth do.

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